"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!" - Amanda Bradley

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

While the kids are away...

...the moms will play. With the kids off for another year of education Cheryl and I took the day to rediscover our inner children. Luckily I don't have to work until tomorrow so we got to do our 'annual' first day of school mom day. We began with breakfast at Fairway Cafe (felt quite young there) and then chose video games as our activity for the day. As mentioned in previous posts we have quite a lot in the video game arena so we weren't without choice. What we were without was someone (namely me) who knows how to properly use the systems (turning them on and such) so after getting them up and going we had quite an enjoyable day.

Wii bowling...nice form huh? You should check out Cheryl couch bowling!

a little more wii bowling

cool shot of Cheryl's mii setting up her shot

my mii - notice she even has my mole...amazing

Cheryl and her mii (twins...Cheryl - the real one - is the one not in the t.v. screen)

Cheryl is quite the bowler. It is hard to get a picture of the *strike* because it flashes so quickly (the spare however stays around for awhile). Cheryl got two turkeys (3 strikes in a row) and in her last game had 5 strikes in a row (WOW)!

Playing baseball. Notice the Dr. Pepper in her hand...

Two home runs by Cheryl. I didn't play baseball...I kinda suck at it! :)

Rounded out the day by playing a little Guitar Hero on the PS2. I wanted to play on Alex's Xbox 360 but couldn't find the game (which was in a case btw)...Archer found the game within minutes of being home from school.

Spazzy Jazzy spent the day sleeping...our excitement was too much for her.

Happy Back to School Day! And for those who may wonder what happened to Archer's first day of school picture go back to last September's posts and you will know...

sore Cheryl?


  1. Now that is just too funny. You girls get the day to yourselves and you play your kids' video games!

  2. I have to say, that was a very fun day! Who knew playing video games could be so enjoyable? I say we do this at least once a week ... I don't want my sore muscles to be for nothing! :} I have video of Jerrie on my blog! HA

  3. I've heard that Guitar Hero is quite addicting. I won't even touch my kids' for fear of becoming addicted. You are very brave women.


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