"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!" - Amanda Bradley

Monday, January 05, 2009

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi

When I was in college I had an instructor (I can't call her a professor, because really she wasn't and beside some fun self-exploration exercises she wasn't a very good teacher...anyway....) who led us through several exercises regarding self-exploration (blah, blah, blah). One of our 'assignments' was to pinpoint a goal for the quarter (not related to grades...or turning assignments in on time, something personal - weird) and pick a word or phrase to focus on. Every day, at the beginning of class (I think it was three days a week) we had to journal about our word or phrase for ten minutes. It was a neat exercise. I enjoyed it. The final project was all related to this work.
(photo taken by my mother-in-law, Lee, of a wonderful creation by my husband when he was younger)

I attempted to do this during subsequent quarters, however without the alloted time (blah, blah, blah) I didn't continue. However, the idea of focusing on a word or phrase for a period of time stuck. We did it in Bible study and imagine my delight when my favorite scrapbooker, Ali Edwards, introduced the one-little-word challenge a few years ago. Just what I needed to get me back on track.

For the past two years I chose the same word - believe. I tried changing it last year, but believe seemed to stick. I evidently wasn't through with it yet.

This year's word came to me during the extended winter break. The same word kept coming to me. And let me tell you before I tell you the word that it isn't the word I wanted. I wanted something more, something pretty, something that would make a cute sign (like my believe sign - I love it). However, this word isn't cute. It won't make a cute sign (however, I think I can figure something out!).

My word for 2009 (dudududum!) is do. Yup, you read it right do. DO. DO. DO.

Why did I pick the word do? I hope I can make it make sense for everyone else. It makes sense to me and I guess that is what is important.

Do. I am an idea girl. I have a lot of want-to, that-would-be-fun-to ideas. These ideas cover a wide range of things...some personal, some not so much - not going to list them here. Anyway...I have a lot ideas and plans, oh the plans I can make. My problem is with the execution of said ideas and plans (and really I didn't think execution was a good word - it might be for me, but that is a whole other post). I decided this year I needed a word of action. Believe was a nice word. It was very inner-personal. It was work for me, by me. I didn't really have to put myself out there. But this year I wanted it to be different. I want to DO!

I like that DO is active. I expect change in myself this year.
Resolutions for the new year? No.
Change? Action? Yes.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein


  1. This is a truly inspiring post. I love it. Do. :)

  2. I think the word "DO" fits you perfectly. You are definitely an idea girl ... you have grand ideas. As most people though, you don't always follow through. I have to say, you follow through way more than other people I know (including me) so snaps on that (he he). I wish you much luck in your year of "DO!!!"

  3. Do. Be. Do. Be. Do.

    Our pastor did a series of messages on this theme.
    He even had a shirt with it on.

    Go and DO!

  4. 2009 - the Year of DO! I like, I like, I like! I have so many things I need to do, want to do, am afraid to do, should do, etc. "Do" is a good, sturdy word. Inspirational!

  5. Do is a great word because as you say it is active. Plus it also means to perform, execute, or create. So, if you're an idea girl with alot of plans, it sounds like the perfect word.

  6. Friends,

    Thank you for your kind comments and support. I think this will be a great year.

    Happy 2009!

  7. What a great approach to the whole resolution thing and I like that word, do. This year I WILL clean out my messy closet!

    (Here from SITS)

  8. What a neat exercise and great post! I may have to give it a try.

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  9. We did a white stone ceremony in church last weekend to see what our word of 2009 was. (If you are unfamiliar, google it... it'll come up with lots of links :) Good stuff.

    I like "do"... great word! I think it would make an awesome sign... put it where you can see it every day. And when you have an idea, you'll see your sign, and it'll remind you to DO it!

  10. Oh, I'm a little behind here...been reading your posts or this week. We're on the same page! How funny is that...
    I made my little(big) list of fun and new stuff to DO!
    Wahoo to DO!


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