"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!" - Amanda Bradley

Friday, January 14, 2011

The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown. ” - Carl Gustav Jung

Things have gone a bit topsy-turvy here. Well, not here exactly but around me. Some extended family issues, some friend issues that need time and attention.

It's always eye opening to work through the hard stuff and sometimes I think it is even more of a learning experience to work through the hard stuff that isn't one's own. When it's not my own I can step back and evaluate with fresh eyes. Even when my heart is breaking. Even when I am crying. I can put the emotions aside for a moment or two and really evaluate.

A few things I've learned in the past few weeks:
- help when I can. listen when I can. be open.
- don't judge
- it isn't about me. I'm a tool to be used for the project, not the project itself.
- when praying for change be specific.
- sometimes the best way to help is to step back
- love

So, I am going to continue to help and learn. To heal and grow. To love.

In other news:
- I have my word picked out for the year. There is lots in my journal about it and it's proven to be powerful to me so far.
- I'm reading a great book by one of my favorite authors.
- I'm feeling a creative burst coming on. I wonder where that will lead me.

Happy day my friends. Happy day!


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